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Diablo 3 Dmg Vs Statsjbrown

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CHD = Crit Hit Damage (100% crit hit damage = insert 100 into formula) If you want to know now if it is more efficient to go for different stats, you just have to apply the formula two times with the two different stats. If you don't feel confident enough to calculate this on your own just post your stats here and i can do this for you. Weapon Damage (this is the range you get, i.e. 4-6 for many starting weapons) and Primary Attribute bonus (this is 1% for every Primary Stat you ahve. In your case, Intelligence). Because they are being multiplied, a small weapon range gets less benefit than a large one. 4-6 damage times 200% damage (from 100 intelligence) is only 8-12, whereas. Patch 2.4: 'Fixed an issue that prevented Area Damage from benefitting from several sources of bonus damage'I was inspired to make an area damage guide after. Critical Hit Damage Increased by 51.0 - 100.0% Secondary +71 - 80% Extra Gold from Monsters While not taking damage, damage dealt is increased by up to 100% and damage taken is increased by up to 50%. One of 3 Magic Properties (varies) +626 - 750 Strength +626 - 750 Dexterity +626 - 750 Intelligence +3 Random Magic Properties. The Oculus increases damage against elites by 3-6%. Black Bone Arrows increases damage against elites by 3-6%. The Star of Azkaranth increases damage against elites by 3-4%. Tal Rasha's Brace.

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Bows are the best ranged attacking weapon in the game. They fire very quickly in the hands of an Amazon, and derive their bonus damage from your points in Dexterity. Amazons have a bow & crossbow tree, but other characters can be effective with them as well, especially Druids and Necromancers, who can take cover behind their minions and shoot from a distance. Necros and Druids tend become less useful with bows as they advance in levels, since their Dexterity isn't high enough, and they don't have any skills to boost their bow attacks.

Bows are not as specialized in Diablo II: every character can wield one and do moderately well with it. However the Amazon is the best, with a faster firing rate, excellent Attack Rating, and of course her bow & crossbow Skill Tab, as well as useful passive skills such as Critical Strike, Penetrate, and Pierce.

Obviously, the main benefit of a bow is that it provides a ranged attack that doesn't require constant mana expenditure, and can't be resisted. Successfully hitting the target is based on your to/hit (called Attack Rating in Diablo II) and also their armour class (called Defense in Diablo II.) Another added wrinkle in is that monsters with shields can block, rather than just carrying them for decoration.

Monsters are fast and have variety in their AI, and stun lock isn't so easy to obtain, so it shouldn't be as easy to line up your enemies and fill them full of arrows from a distance. The fully 360 degree movement system makes shots easier when monsters are coming in a straight line at you.

There are of course magical and unique bows. The magical and Rare bows boast a huge variety of modifiers. The Unique Bows and Unique Crossbows are very nice. Like all weapons, bows and crossbows can be socketed with gems, to add various sorts of magical damage to every shot.

Ammunition is required for every shot. You must have a quiver equipped in one hand, while your bow or crossbow is in the other. Quivers are frequently dropped by monsters, and sold by NPCs for low prices, so keeping enough arrows or bolts around isn't a real problem for an Amazon.

The venerable bow is the weapon of choice for those who prefer to destroy their enemies from a safe distance. Consisting of a flexible length of wood or other material, drawn back by a bowstring, bows can range from commonplace short wooden bows to the enormous long war bows, usable by only the strongest and most dexterous archers. A skilled bowman can easily decimate oncoming enemies before they have a chance to close in, and bows are effective at point blank range as well.

The weapon requires a quiver full of arrows equipped, and arrows can either be obtained from NPC merchants, or scavenged when dropped by the monsters you kill. Of all the classes in the game, the Amazon can lay claim to being the master of the weapons, and she has a skill tree devoted to various magical enhancements to the weapon. Bows occupy either a 2x3 or a 2x4 space in the inventory.

Bows, not crossbows, are also usable by the Act I Rogue mercenaries, who don't require a quiver of arrows for their function.

  • Sockets: Item sockets changed a lot in D2 v1.08, changing to match the sockets in D2X items. You will tend to find more sockets in items on higher difficulty levels.
  • Damage Bonus: This determines how you multiply the item damage by your stats to reach the actual damage. Each 100 points in that stat doubles your weapon's total physical damage. All Bows are 100 Dex, which means every point in Dex adds 1% of your weapon's total physical damage, thus each 100 points in Dex will double your bow damage.
  • Item Level: Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item, and your Clvl must be equal to or higher to have that item offered to gamble on.
  • Weapon Speed: A relative comparison of one bow to another. 0 is the base, negative ( -10, -20, etc) is faster, 10, 20, etc is slower. The 'fast', 'normal' etc displayed in the game is a very imprecise measurement. The numbers are the exact speeds used. Each 10 is equivalent to a normal SIAS item. Characters are abbreviated to their first letter: Am = Amazon and As = Assassin.
Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate
Short Bow 1-4 Damage
Str Req: None
Dex Req: 15
Item Level: 1
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 5
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Hunter's Bow 2-6 Damage
Str Req: None
Dex Req: 28
Item Level: 5
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Long Bow 3-10 Damage
Str Req: 22
Dex Req: 19
Item Level: 8
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Composite Bow 4-8 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 35
Item Level: 12
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Short Battle Bow 5-11 Damage
Str Req: 30
Dex Req: 40
Item Level: 18
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Long Battle Bow 3-18 Damage
Str Req: 40
Dex Req: 50
Item Level: 23
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S
Short War Bow 6-14 Damage
Str Req: 35
Dex Req: 55
Item Level: 27
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Long War Bow 3-23 Damage
Str Req: 50
Dex Req: 65
Item Level: 31
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S

Exceptional Bows are found in late Normal, and then all through Nightmare and Hell. Prior to v1.08 D2, they were only found on Nightmare and Hell.

Diablo 3 Dmg Vs Statsjbrown
Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate
Edge Bow 6-19 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 43
Item Level: 30
Clvl Req: 18*
Sockets: 1-3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 5
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Razor Bow 8-22 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 62
Item Level: 33
Clvl Req: 21*
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Cedar Bow 10-29 Damage
Str Req: 53
Dex Req: 49
Item Level: 35
Clvl Req: 23*
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Double Bow 11-26 Damage
Str Req: 58
Dex Req: 73
Item Level: 39
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Short Siege Bow 13-30 Damage
Str Req: 65
Dex Req: 80
Item Level: 43
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Large Siege Bow 10-42 Damage
Str Req: 85
Dex Req: 95
Item Level: 46
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S
Rune Bow 14-35 Damage
Str Req: 73
Dex Req: 103
Item Level: 49
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Gothic Bow 10-50 Damage
Str Req: 95
Dex Req: 118
Item Level: 52
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S

* All Exceptional items are Clvl 25 in Diablo II. Some lower-quality ones are slightly lower in D2X.

Elite Bows are Expansion only since Elite items do not exist at all in Diablo II. You can find Elite bows in Acts 4-5/Nightmare and then all through Hell, though like all Elite items, they drop very rarely.

Diablo 3 Dmg Vs Statsjbrown
Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate
Edge Bow 6-19 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 43
Item Level: 30
Clvl Req: 18*
Sockets: 1-3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 5
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Razor Bow 8-22 Damage
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: 62
Item Level: 33
Clvl Req: 21*
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Cedar Bow 10-29 Damage
Str Req: 53
Dex Req: 49
Item Level: 35
Clvl Req: 23*
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Double Bow 11-26 Damage
Str Req: 58
Dex Req: 73
Item Level: 39
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Short Siege Bow 13-30 Damage
Str Req: 65
Dex Req: 80
Item Level: 43
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Large Siege Bow 10-42 Damage
Str Req: 85
Dex Req: 95
Item Level: 46
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S
Rune Bow 14-35 Damage
Str Req: 73
Dex Req: 103
Item Level: 49
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Gothic Bow 10-50 Damage
Str Req: 95
Dex Req: 118
Item Level: 52
Clvl Req: 25
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S

* All Exceptional items are Clvl 25 in Diablo II. Some lower-quality ones are slightly lower in D2X.

Elite Bows are Expansion only since Elite items do not exist at all in Diablo II. You can find Elite bows in Acts 4-5/Nightmare and then all through Hell, though like all Elite items, they drop very rarely.

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate
Spider Bow 23-50 Dmg
Str Req: 64
Dex Req: 143
Item Level: 58
Clvl Req: 41
Sockets: 1-3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 5
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Blade Bow 21-41 Dmg
Str Req: 76
Dex Req: 119
Item Level: 60
Clvl Req: 45
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Shadow Bow 15-59 Dmg
Str Req: 52
Dex Req: 188
Item Level: 61
Clvl Req: 47
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Great Bow 12-52 Dmg
Str Req: 121
Dex Req: 107
Item Level: 64
Clvl Req: 51
Sockets: 1-4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: -10
Firing Rate:
Very Fast: Am/B/D
Fast: As/N/P/S
Diamond Bow 33-40 Dmg
Str Req: 89
Dex Req: 132
Item Level: 67
Clvl Req: 54
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Crusader Bow 15-63 Dmg
Str Req: 97
Dex Req: 121
Item Level: 70
Clvl Req: 57
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S
Ward Bow 20-53 Dmg
Str Req: 72
Dex Req: 146
Item Level: 72
Clvl Req: 60
Sockets: 1-5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x3
Weapon Speed: 0
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/P/S
Normal: N
Hydra Bow 10-68 Dmg
Str Req: 134
Dex Req: 167
Item Level: 74
Clvl Req: 63
Sockets: 1-6
Dmg Bonus: 100 Dex
Inv Size: 2x4
Weapon Speed: 10
Firing Rate:
Fast: Am/B/D
Normal: As/N/P/S

Arrows and Bolts/Quarrels are necessary to use a bow or crossbow, and they must be equipped in one hand, with the bow/crossbow in the other. They have no purpose otherwise, and are one of the simpler weapon-type items in the game.

In early versions of Diablo II arrows and bolts were sold in stacks of varying size for varying prices, and NPCs only stocked a few of each at a time. With v1.03 the variety was removed, as was the limited number of stacks. Quivers are now always the maximum stack, prices are fixed, and you can buy as many quivers at a time as you'd like. Monsters drop quivers of arrows or bolts quite frequently as well.

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats
Quiver of Arrows D2: Up to 250
D2X: Up to 350
87 gold for 350

Diablo II ItemsItems BasicsUnique Armor IUnique Armor IIUnique Weapons IUnique Weapons IIUnique Weapons IIIUnique Class ItemsItem SetsRunewords
Base Armors and Weapons [e] Runes Socketables Miscellaneous Items Info

• Belts
• Body Armor
• Boots
• Gloves
• Helms
• Circlets
• Shields
• Amulets
• Rings

• Axes
• Bows
• Crossbows
• Daggers
• Javelins
• Maces
• Polearms
• Scepters
• Spears
• Staves
• Swords
• Throwing
• Wands

Class Items
• Ama Weapons
• Asn Claws
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms
• Necro Totems
• Pal Shields
• Sorc Orbs

• Rune list
• Rune FAQ
• Rune hunting
• Runewords

• Modifiers
• Sockets

• Amethyst
• Diamond
• Emerald
• Ruby
• Sapphire
• Topaz
• Skull

Horadric Cube
• Cube Recipes

Crafted Items
• Blood Recipes
• Caster Recipes
• Hitpower Recipes
• Safety Recipes

• Charms Affixes
• Charms Guide

• Item Generation Tutorial
• Treasure Classes
• Magic Find
• Gold Find

• Prefixes
• Suffixes
• Special Modifiers

• Gambling
• Quest Items
• Experience
• Potions
• Books & Scrolls

• El
• Eld
• Tir
• Nef
• Eth
• Ith
• Tal
• Ral
• Ort
• Thul
• Amn

• Sol
• Shael
• Dol
• Hel
• Io
• Lum
• Ko
• Fal
• Lem
• Pul
• Um

• Mal
• Ist
• Gul
• Vex
• Ohm
• Lo
• Sur
• Ber
• Jah
• Cham
• Zod

Belts [e] Body Armor Gloves Helms

All Unique Belts
• Lenymo
• Snakecord
• Nightsmoke
• Goldwrap
• Bladebuckle

• String of Ears
• Razortail
• Gloom's Trap
• Snowclash
• Thundergod's Vigor

• Arachnid Mesh
• Nosferatu's Coil
• Verdungo's Hearty Cord

All Unique Armor
• Greyform
• Blinkbat's Form
• The Centurion
• Twitchthroe
• Darkglow
• Hawkmail
• Venom Ward
• Sparking Mail
• Iceblink
• Heavenly Garb
• Rockfleece
• Boneflesh
• Rattlecage
• Goldskin
• Silks of the Victor

• The Spirit Shroud
• Skin of the Vipermagi
• Skin of the Flayed One
• Iron Pelt
• Crow Caw
• Spirit Forge
• Duriel's Shell
• Shaftstop
• Skullder's Ire
• Que-Hegan's Wisdom
• Toothrow
• Guardian Angel
• Atma's Wail
• Black Hades
• Corpsemourn

• Ormus' Robes
• The Gladiator's Bane
• Arkaine's Valor
• Leviathan (L)
• Steel Carapace
• Templar's Might (L)
• Tyrael's Might (L)

All Unique Gloves
• The Hand of Broc
• Bloodfist
• Chance Guards
• Magefist
• Frostburn

• Venom Grip
• Gravepalm
• Ghoulhide
• Lava Gout
• Hellmouth

• Dracul's Grasp
• Soul Drainer
• Steelrend

All Unique Helms
• Biggin's Bonnet
• Tarnhelm
• Coif of Glory
• Duskdeep
• Wormskull
• Howltusk
• Undead Crown
• The Face of Horror

• Peasant Crown
• Rockstopper
• Stealskull
• Darksight Helm
• Vampire Gaze
• Valkyrie Wing
• Crown of Thieves
• Blackhorn's Face

• Andariel's Visage (L)
• Crown of Ages
• Giant Skull
• Harlequin Crest
• Nightwing's Veil
• Steelshade
• Veil of Steel

• Kira's Guardian (L)
• Griffon's Eye (L)

Class Helms:
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Boots [e] Amulets Rings Shields Miscellaneous

All Unique Boots
• Hotspur
• Gorefoot
• Treads of Cthon
• Goblin Toe
• Tearhaunch

• Infernostride
• Waterwalk
• Silkweave
• War Traveler
• Gore Rider

• Marrowwalk
• Merman's Sprocket
• Sandstorm Trek
• Shadow Dancer (L)

All Unique Amulets
• Nokozan Relic
• The Eye of Etlich
• The Mahim-Oak Curio
• Saracen's Chance
• The Cat's Eye
• The Rising Sun
• Crescent Moon
• Atma's Scarab
• Highlord's Wrath
• Mara's Kaleidoscope
• Seraph's Hymn (L)
• Metalgrid (L)

All Unique Rings
• Nagelring
• Manald Heal
• Stone of Jordan
• Dwarf Star
• Raven Frost
• Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
• Carrion Wind
• Nature's Peace (L)
• Wisp Projector

All Unique Shields
• Pelta Lunata
• Umbral Disk
• Stormguild
• Swordback Hold
• Steelclash
• Wall of the Eyeless
• Bverrit Keep
• The Ward

• Viscerataunt
• Moser's Blessed Circle
• Stormchaser
• Lance Guard
• Tiamat's Rebuke
• Lidless Wall
• Gerke's Sanctuary
• Radament's Sphere

• Blackoak Shield
• Stormshield
• Head Hunter's Glory
• Medusa's Gaze
• Spike Thorn
• Spirit Ward

Class Shields:
• Unique Paladin Shields
• Unique Necro Totems

• Rainbow Facets

All Unique Charms
• Annihilus
• Gheed's Fortune
• Hellfire Torch

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Axes [e] Bows Crossbows Daggers Polearms

All Unique Axes
Normal, one-handed:
• The Gnasher
• Deathspade
• Bladebone
• Skull Splitter
• Rakescar

Exceptional, one-handed:
• Coldkill
• Butcher's Pupil
• Islestrike
• Pompeii's Wrath
• Guardian Naga

Elite, one-handed:
• Cranebeak
• Death Cleaver (L)
• Razor's Edge
• Rune Master (L)

Normal, two-handed:
• Axe of Fechmar
• Goreshovel
• The Chieftain
• Brainhew
• Humongous

Exceptional, two-handed:
• Warlord's Trust
• Spellsteel
• Stormrider
• Boneslayer Blade
• The Minotaur

Elite, two-handed:
• Ethereal Edge
• Executioner's Justice (L)
• Frostwind
• Hellslayer
• Messerschmidt's Reaver

All Unique Bows
• Pluckeye
• Witherstring
• Raven's Claw
• Rogue's Bow
• Stormstrike
• Wizendraw
• Hellclap
• Blastbark

• Skystrike
• Riphook
• Kuko Shakaku
• Endlesshail
• Witchwild String
• Cliffkiller
• Magewrath
• Goldstrike Arch

• Widowmaker (L)
• Eaglehorn
• Windforce

• Amazon Bows

All Unique Crossbows
• Leadcrow
• Ichorsting
• Hellcast
• Doomslinger

• Langer Briser
• Pus Spitter
• Buriza-Do Kyanon
• Demon Machine

• Gut Siphon
• Hellrack

All Unique Daggers
• Gull
• The Diggler
• The Jade Tan Do
• Spectral Shard

• Spineripper
• Heart Carver
• Blackbog's Sharp
• Stormspike

• Fleshripper
• Ghostflame
• Wizardspike

All Unique Polearms
• Dimoak's Hew
• Steelgoad
• Soul Harvest
• The Battlebranch
• Woestave
• The Grim Reaper

• The Meat Scraper
• Blackleach Blade
• Athena's Wrath
• Pierre Tombale Couant
• Husoldal Evo
• Grim's Burning Dead

• Bonehew
• The Reaper's Toll (L)
• Tomb Reaver (L)
• Stormspire

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Scepters [e] Spears Staves Throwing Weapons Wands

All Unique Scepters
• Knell Striker
• Rusthandle
• Stormeye

• Zakarum's Hand
• The Fetid Sprinkler
• Hand of Blessed Light

• Astreon's Iron Ward
• Heaven's Light (L)
• The Redeemer

All Unique Spears
• The Dragon Chang
• Razortine
• Bloodthief
• Lance of Yaggai
• The Tannr Gorerod

• The Impaler
• Kelpie Snare
• Soulfeast Tine
• Hone Sundan
• Spire of Honor

• Arioc's Needle
• Steel Pillar
• Viperfork

• Amazon Spears

All Unique Staves
• Bane Ash
• Serpent Lord
• Spire of Lazarus
• The Salamander
• The Iron Jang Bong

• Razorswitch
• Ribcracker
• Chromatic Ire
• Warpspear
• Skull Collector

• Mang Song's Lesson (L)
• Ondal's Wisdom

All Unique Throwing Weapons
• Deathbit
• The Scalper

• Gimmershred
• Lacerator
• Warshrike (L)

All Unique Javelins
• Demon's Arch
• Wraith Flight (L)
• Gargoyle's Bite

• Amazon Javelins

All Unique Wands
• Torch of Iro
• Maelstrom
• Gravenspine
• Ume's Lament

• Suicide Branch
• Carin Shard
• Arm of King Leoric
• Blackhand Key

• Boneshade
• Death's Web

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Diablo 3 Dmg Vs Statsjbrown Total

Diablo 3 Dmg Vs Statsjbrown Full

Maces [e] Swords

All Unique Maces
Normal, 1H:
• Felloak
• Stoutnail
• Crushflange
• Bloodrise
• The General's Tan Do Li Ga
• Ironstone

Normal, 2H:
• Bonesnap
• Steeldriver

Exceptional, 1H:
• Dark Clan Crusher
• Fleshrender
• Sureshrill Frost
• Moonfall
• Baezil's Vortex
• Earthshaker

Exceptional, 2H:
• Bloodtree Stump
• The Gavel of Pain

Elite, 1H:
• Nord's Tenderizer
• Baranar's Star
• Demon Limb
• Stormlash
• Horizon's Tornado
• Stone Crusher
• Schaefer's Hammer

Elite, 2H:
• Windhammer
• Earth Shifter
• The Cranium Basher

All Unique Swords
Normal, 1H:
• Rixot's Keen
• Blood Crescent
• Skewer of Krintiz
• Gleamscythe
• Griswold's Edge
• Hellplague
• Culwen's Point

Normal, 2H:
• Shadowfang
• Soulflay
• Kinemil's Awl
• Blacktongue
• Ripsaw
• The Patriarch

Exceptional, 1H:
• Bloodletter
• Coldsteel Eye
• Hexfire
• Blade of Ali Baba
• Ginther's Rift
• Headstriker
• Plague Bearer
• The Atlantean

Exceptional, 2H:
• Crainte Vomir
• Bing Sz Wang
• The Vile Husk
• Cloudcrack
• Todesfaelle Flamme
• Swordguard

Elite, 1H:
• Azurewrath
• Bloodmoon
• Djinn Slayer (L)
• Frostwind
• Lightsabre

Elite, 2H:
• Flamebellow
• Doombringer
• The Grandfather

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Amazon [e] Assassin Barbarian Druid Necromancer Paladin Sorceress

Amazon Weapons
• Lycander's Aim
• Titan's Revenge
• Lycander's Flank
• Bloodraven's Charge
• Thunderstroke (L)
• Stoneraven (L)

Assassin Claws
• Bartuc's Cut-Throat
• Firelizard's Talons
• Jade Talon
• Shadow Killer (L)

Barbarian Helms
• Arreat's Face
• Demonhorn's Edge (L)
• Halaberd's Reign
• Wolfhowl

Druid Helms
• Jalal's Mane
• Cerebus' Bite (L)
• Ravenlore
• Spirit Keeper

Necromancer Totems
• Homunculus
• Boneflame
• Darkforce Spawn (L)

Paladin Shields
• Herald of Zakarum
• Alma Negra
• Dragonscale

Sorceress Orbs
• The Oculus
• Death's Fathom (L)
• Eschuta's Temper

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

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Item Sets General Info -- Set Items Catalog[e]
Diablo II Classic Item Sets Diablo II Expansion Item Sets

• Angelic Raiment
• Arcanna's Tricks
• Arctic Gear
• Berserker's Arsenal
• Cathan's Traps
• Civerb's Vestments
• Cleglaw's Brace
• Death's Disguise

• Hsaru's Defense
• Infernal Tools
• Iratha's Finery
• Isenhart's Armory
• Milabrega's Regalia
• Sigon's Complete Steel
• Tancred's Battlegear
• Vidala's Rig

• Aldur's Watchtower
• Bul-Kathos' Children
• Cow King's Leathers
• Griswold's Legacy
• Heaven's Brethren
• Hwanin's Majesty
• Immortal King
• M'avina's Battle Hymn

• Naj's Ancient Vestige
• Natalya's Odium
• Orphan's Call
• Sander's Folly
• Sazabi's Grand Tribute
• Tal Rasha's Wrappings
• The Disciple
• Trang-Oul's Avatar

Runewords - Rune list - Rune FAQ - Rune hunting[e]
Armor RunewordsHelmsShieldsWeapon Runewords

• Bone
• Bramble
• Chains of Honor
• Dragon (L)
• Duress
• Enigma
• Enlightenment
• Fortitude (L)
• Gloom
• Lionheart

• Myth
• Peace
• Principle
• Prudence
• Rain
• Smoke
• Stealth
• Stone
• Treachery
• Wealth

• Delirium
• Dream (L)
• Lore
• Nadir
• Radiance

• Ancient's Pledge
• Dragon
• Dream (L)
• Exile
• Phoenix
• Rhyme
• Sanctuary
• Spirit
• Splendor

• Beast
• Black
• Brand (L)
• Breath of the Dying
• Call to Arms
• Chaos
• Crescent Moon
• Death (L)
• Destruction (L)
• Doom
• Edge (L)
• Eternity
• Faith (L)
• Famine
• Fortitude
• Fury
• Grief (L)

• Hand of Justice
• Harmony (L)
• Heart of the Oak
• Holy Thunder
• Honor
• Ice (L)
• Infinity (L)
• Insight (L)
• King's Grace
• Kingslayer
• Last Wish (L)
• Lawbringer (L)
• Leaf
• Malice
• Melody
• Memory

• Oath (L)
• Obedience (L)
• Passion
• Phoenix (L)
• Pride (L)
• Rift (L)
• Silence
• Spirit (L)
• Steel
• Strength
• Venom
• Voice of Reason (L)
• White
• Wind
• Wrath (L)
• Zephyr

(L): These Runewords can only be created by Realm Ladder characters. SP chars can enable them with the RWM.

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